In Australia, psychologists endorsed in an area of practice like 'health psychology' have undertaken study and training for a minimum of 8 years. Training includes undergraduate, honours, and postgraduate study, and a registrar program of specialised supervised practice.
Health psychologists are trained to work with physical and mental health and apply their knowledge of health promotion (disease prevention) and clinical health psychology (disease management) to enhance wellbeing. They are skilled at treating a range of psychological concerns in addition to having knowledge about health, illness and health care. They support individuals with acute and chronic mental health problems, health conditions, traumatic injury, life-limiting illness, addiction, disability, chronic pain, and ageing across diverse populations.
Other areas of focus include promotion of healthy lifestyle choices, smoking and vaping cessation, weight management, exercise adherence, and improving medical treatment adherence.​ Health psychologists typically work within a multidisciplinary team of doctors, a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, dietitian, and speech pathologist to provide holistic care.
If you need support with your health or if you are physically well but want to improve your mental health, please reach out to discuss your needs.

Offering psychology sessions to adolescents (16+) and adults experiencing:​
Adjustment difficulties to life transitions
Anxiety (health, social, generalised, panic attacks, phobias)
Autism spectrum disorder and ADHD management (not assessment)
Suicidal thoughts
Grief and loss
Existential distress
Difficulties with immigration, including cross-cultural concerns
Trauma, acute stress, and PTSD
Substance use
Eating disorders
Functional disorders, including functional gastrointestinal disorders and psychogenic non-epileptic events
Poor self-worth, self-efficacy, and self-compassion
Relationship and family difficulties
Clinical Health Services:
Support with accepting or adjusting to a medical diagnosis, injury, disability, health decline, terminal illness, and palliation
Support with managing chronic disease, life-limiting illness, and chronic pain
Intervention for medical trauma, medical phobias, and burnout
Pre- and post-operative rehabilitation
Support with medication and treatment adherence
Please note that I do not currently offer:
Assessment of autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and learning difficulties
Couples counselling
Maternity or perinatal services
Gender dysphoria
Medico-legal, child custody, or forensic services